2023 Host - Pastor Darrel Petties
2023 Hostess - Pastor Lisa Knowles-Smith

2023 Our Pastor Rock Honorees

Each year during the taping of the Golden Triangle Music Awards, a select number of pastors are honored for their service to their church families and area communities. Members of their churches submitted letters telling us why their pastor rocks and deserves this special recognition. Below are 11 out of 351 pastors' names submitted.
Pastor Jennifer R. Biard
Jackson Revival Center
Bishop Clarence Parks
Temple of Compassion
& Deliverance
Pastor Joseph S. Berry, Sr.
Unity Outreach Fellowship
Pastor Mike McClure, Jr.
Rock City Church
Dr. Roney Strong, Sr.
New Independence
M.B. Church
Dr. E. Dewey Smith, Jr.
House of Hope Church
Pastor James Phillips
Open Door Abundant 
Life Church
Pastor Johnny Simpson
Running Water Baptist Church
Pastor Odell Draper
St. Peter M.B. Church
Pastor Petro Jordan
Purpose for Praise Ministries
Pastor Edward Ruffin, Jr.
Plymouth Rock Baptist Church